祈り - 梅宮順子
450 000¥Prix
Praying - Japanese painting by Junko Umemiya
月に惹かれ、月に願う その想いが思念体となって枝を伸ばし、月は全ての想いを月光で優しく包み込む
I am attracted to the moon and wish for the moon
That feeling becomes a thought body and grows branches, and the moon gently wraps all feelings in moonlight.
●作家名:梅宮順子 作家の紹介を見る
●額外寸:68.1 x 80.2 cm
日本全国送料無料、国外送料は額無しで一律¥20,000 別途決済頂きます。
Free shipping for nation Japan, additional¥20,000 for out of country without frame.All import fees, taxes and customs to be paid for by the buyer.
日本画,Japanese painting, 祈り, prayer, 平和, peace, 満月, full moon, 月暈, moon vertigo, 大樹, large tree