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不安定な僕と堅実な君 - 穂波梅太郎

不安定な僕と堅実な君 - 穂波梅太郎

137 500¥Prix

An unstable me and a steady you - Oil Painting by Umetaro Honami




This work expresses the images of two people by arranging a bag filled with colored water, stones, and rope. The green bag of water is precariously held in place by duct tape and nails, and the dangling stones also appear to be weighing down the space. In contrast, the bag containing blue water makes good use of ropes, nails, and stones; the stones connected to the bag act as weights to stabilize the bag, rather than being a burden. The bags filled with colored water represent the ideals of two people, and the ropes and stones connected to them represent their bodies and past experiences. I have expressed the images of two different people: an unstable me whose body and past are a hindrance to achieving my ideals, and a steady person who makes good use of my body and past experiences.




●作家名:穂波梅太郎 プロフィールを見る


●絵サイズ : F10号 (45.0x 53.0 cm)

●額外寸 :  60.1x67.6cm



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oil painting , landscape: 油彩画,油絵,静物画,石,ロープ,ビニール袋,釘,緑,青,黒,日常,素朴,不安,不思議

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