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波のメロディー・湘南Japan -  清田晴美

波のメロディー・湘南Japan -  清田晴美

SKU : HFP-OPC051624045
3 200 000¥Prix

Melody of wave at Syonan Japan - oil painting by Harumi Kiyota





この作品は、フランス最古の展示会で、ルノアールやモネなども参加していたLe Salon に2022年度に入選した作品です。波の奥行きを 静・動・静・動のリズムで描き、波の中をあえてカラフルな色調で描く事で、軽い感じに仕上げました。


Le Salonの絵画部門代表、アラン・バザール氏からは下記のコメントを頂きました。大変光栄に思います。



It is the scenery from Shonan / Zushi beach.

Zushi Beach is usually a calm beach and is a place where many people enjoy sap and windsurfing. However, it rained the day before and a big wind blew, so it was creating a beautiful big wave on that day.  Because of the strong wind, the rain clouds were blown away and a very refreshing blue sky was seen.


This work was selected in 2022  Le Salon, which was the oldest exhibition in France and famous as  attended by Renoir and Monet. The depth of the waves is drawn with the rhythm of static, dynamic, static, and dynamic, and the inside of the waves is intentionally drawn with colorful tones to create a light feeling.


The following comments were received from Mr. Alan Bazaar, the representative of the painting department of Le Salon. Thank you very much for your honor.

"A wonderful work that deserves the title of a marine artist. The swell of the waves is composed of distant small waves and two layers, and the bubbles created by the inversion and swell are expressed as a permanent movement on the beach. A very advanced oil painting. I also want to pay attention to the red sails in the distant view. " by Alan Bazaar




●作家名:清田晴美 作家の詳細を見る





日本国内送料無料。諸外国への送料は額無しで¥35,000 別途お支払い頂きます。


Free shipping for nation Japan. All other country will be charge¥35,000 separately without frame. All import fees, taxes and customs to be paid for by the buyer.


湘南, 逗子, 海, 日本の美, 神奈川, 海岸, 海の絵, 海岸の絵 , Syonan, Zushi, Zushi Beach, Beautiful Japan , coast side painting, beach painting, ocean painting, Japanese art , Japan art , original painting , Harumi Kiyota , seascape , colorful painting


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    ​名称 : Artisans 北鎌倉オンラインストアー

    販売責任者 : 清田晴美
    ​住所 : 〒247-0062 神奈川県鎌倉市山ノ内184番3号 明月店C号室



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    2018年1月1日 改定

Artisans 北鎌倉 Japan

神奈川県公安委員会​​  美術品商  第452650006979号

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